Hi, I’m Tiffany. I have been a military spouse, married to my wonderful husband for over 22 years, and we have 2 great kids. During this time we have lived in 7 different places, to include an apartment, base house, townhome, and rented and owned single family homes. You could say that I have had a lot of “on the job training” for designing and staging living spaces. Every time we move, I am presented with different design challenges. During this nomadic life, about 15 years ago, I decided to make it official and become a certified Interior Designer. I have experience in face-to-face design work, but also e-Design projects, completely done online. Design Affinity came from not only a love, or affinity, for designing interiors, but also a love for helping others. I want to create interiors that are unique for each individual. Making any space aesthetic and functional so that it creates a peaceful surrounding is my goal. I hope that these surroundings are filled with the people and the memories that you love the most!
We have now decided to settle in Colorado! If you would like to setup a local consultation in the Colorado Springs area or an online consult, please contact me at: tiffany@designaffinity.net or call (719) 822-1293.